Samurai warriors 2 xtreme legends pc
Samurai warriors 2 xtreme legends pc

Not wanting him to play with his courtesan, Nene comes personally to assist the western siege of Odawara Castle. With the excuse that he doesn't want to impose on her further, Hideyoshi sends her a letter requesting Chacha to be by his side. With her husband planning to subjugate the Hōjō and Date, Nene decides to secure the sea route for the Odawara Campaign and personally rid of the pirates allied with the Hōjō. Nene is the only one who can intercept him as she uses the ninja path.

samurai warriors 2 xtreme legends pc

Whilst in battle, Hanzō barricades the normal road to Inuyama Castle and charges for Hideyoshi. Ieyasu then challenges her husband's position to power at Komaki-Nagakute. Upon their victory, the Oda clan disappears. Although Hideyoshi wins the battle and becomes Nobunaga's successor, Oichi dislikes Hideyoshi's new rule and asks Katsuie to assist her rebellion at Shizugatake. Wanting to support her husband and her three closest "children" ( Kiyomasa, Masanori, and Mitsunari), she joins them in battle to support and encourage them.

samurai warriors 2 xtreme legends pc

When Mitsuhide betrays his master, her husband races to avenge his lord at Yamazaki. Nene has been supporting Hideyoshi since his time under Nobunaga. She is Hideyoshi's devoted wife and a brave Ninja and also a mother-figure to Mitsunari Ishida, Kiyomasa Katō and Masanori Fukushima. Nene was first introduced in Samurai Warriors 2.

Samurai warriors 2 xtreme legends pc